R-Cubed (R3: Real-time Remote Robotics) is the concept which enables human beings to exist anywhere in the world by controlling remote robots in real time through the network. So far there exists a standardized method to describe and access virtual worlds by using Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML). However, accessing real environments is not considered by the cur-rent version of VRML. On the other hand, several ex-periments to control remote robots over ISDN and/or Internet are reported, but we do not have a standard method to access real environments yet. In order to provide a method to access real worlds over the network easily, we propose a language RCML (R-Cubed Manipulation Language) to describe remote robots and environments, a language RXID (RCML eXtensible Interface Definition) to define a graphical user interface for controlling remote robots, and a protocol RCTP (R-Cubed Transfer Protocol) to communicate with the remote robot site, based on the requirements for realtime remote robotics.
Project detail:
- http://projects.tachilab.org/RCML/
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