Formar staff
Formar Faculties
Yasuyuki Yanagida (1991.4 - 2001.8, Research Associate)
- Professor, Meijo University
Taro Maeda (1994.9-2002.9, Lecturer)
- Professor, Osaka University
Tetsuro Ogi (1996.4-1999.3, Associate Professor)
- Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
Masahiko Inami (2001.9 - 2003.3, Research Associate)
- Professor, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University
Ichiro Ida (2003.4 - 2005.3, Visiting Assistant Professor)
- FUJITSU ltd.
Dairoku Sekiguchi (2002.4 - 2006.3)
- ViewPLUS Inc.
Yasuo Sakurai (Research Assistant)
- Passed away May 17, 2006. He was 64 years old.
Hiroyuki Kajimoto (2003.4 - 2006.8, Research Associate)
- Associate Professor, University of Electro-Communications
Osamu Hoshuyama (2008.4 - 2009.3, Visiting Associate Professor)
-NEC Corporation, Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo.
Naoki Kawakami (1999.4 - 2009.9, Assistant Professor
- Passed away September 21, 2009. He was 39 years old.
Kouichi Watanabe (2009.4 - 2011.3, Assistant Professor, KMD)
-Associate Professor, Kisarazu National College of Technology
Masahiro Furukawa (2011.4 - 2014.3, Project Assistant Professor, KMD)
-Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatic Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science & Technology, Osaka University
中山 雅野(2012年4月-2013年6月 慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科・特任助教 )
- 現在:東京農工大学・特任助教
Masano Nakayama (2012.4 - 2013.6, Project Assistant Professor, KMD)
-Project Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Formar Secretaries
Satoko Izumi (1994/4 - 1996/8)
Kyoko Nishii (1995/4 - 1998/3)
Izumi Nara (1991/4 - 1998/9)
Naomi Fukayama (1998/4 - 1999/3)
Ayako Hoshino (1999/4 - 2000/3)
Yuka Hayashi (1998/10 - 2000/9)
Mai Kamahara (2000/12 - 2001/3)
Azusa Tanaka (2002/4 - 2003/3)
- Virtual Reality Society of Japan
Sachiko Iio (2000/4 - 2002/3)
Satoko Sekiguchi (2001/7 - 2002/3)
Motoko Kagotani (2002/4 - 2003/3)
Chiaki Omura (2003/4 - 2005/3)
Mariko Sawata (2000/11 - 2005/10)
Yuko Katano (2005/4 - 2010/5)
Formar Researchers
Eiji Murata (1991/4 - 1992/3)
- Oji Paper Co., Ltd
Philippe Auffray (1991/9 - 1992/7)
Shinya Soeki (1992/4 - 1993/3)
- Oji Paper Co., Ltd
Kazuhiko Syuto (1993/3 - 1993/5)
- Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd
Kenichi Yasuda (1991/4 - 1993/5)
- YASKAWA Electric Corporation
Ryad Chellali (1994/10 - 1994/11)
- Professor, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Masahiko Takada (1991/4 - 1994/3)
- Nissan Corp.
Yashuo Kushiro (1995/4 - 1996/3)
- Oji Paper Co., Ltd
Ken Akatsuka (1994/4 - 1996/3)
- Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Ryokichi Hirata (1993/8 - 1996/3)
- YASKAWA Electric Corporation
Ikusaburo Kurimoto (1996/4 - 1997/3)
- Professor, Kisarazu National College of Technology
Kazuhiko Arai (1995/9 - 1997/9)
- Olympus Corporation
Akira Nukuduma (1997/11 - 1998/9)
Tomomichi Kaneko (2001/4 - 2002/3)
- Kao Corporation
Maki Sugimoto (2002/4 - 2002/9)
- Lecturer, Keio University
Ichiro Kawabuchi (2001/4 - 2003/3)
- President, KAWABUCHI Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Inc.
Tomohiro Yendo (2002/10 - 2004/9)
- Assistant Professor, Nagoya University
Riichiro Tadakuma (2003/4 - 2006/3)
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Terukazu Mizota
Yasuaki Kakehi (2008/4 - 2009/3)
- Associate Professor, Keio University
Tadatoshi Kurogi (2012/4 - 2013/3)
- DeNA Co., Ltd.
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