International Conferences (2010-2019)
Takumi Yoshida, Yuki Hirobe, Hideaki Nii, Naoki Kawakami and Susumu Tachi: Twinkle: Interacting with Physical Surfaces Using Handheld Projector, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2010, pp.87-90, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Design of Electrotactile Stimulation to Represnt Distribution of Force Vectors, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2010, pp.121-128, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Domenico Prattichizzo and Susumu Tachi: Simplified Design of Haptic Display by Extending One-point Kinesthetic Feedback to Multipoint Tactile Feedback, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2010, pp.257-260, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Dzmitry Tsetserukou, katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Virtual Reality, Augmented Sport and Rehabilitation, Proceedings of ACM Augmented Human Conference, Megeve, France (2010. 4)
[Best Paper Award]
Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: FlexTorque: Exoskeleton Interface for Haptic Interaction with the Digital World, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010, pp.166-171, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010.7)
Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Evaluation of Transmission System for Spatially Distributed Tactile information, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010, pp.279-284, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010.7)
Takumi Yoshida, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii and Susumu Tachi: RePro3D: Full-parallax 3D Display using Retro-reflective Projection Technology, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2010. 7)
Yuki Hirobe, Takumi Yoshida, Shinobu Kuroki, Kouta Minamizawa, Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: colorful Touch palette, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, Emerging Technologies, LosAngeles, CA, USA (2010. 7)
Shinob Kuroki, Junji Watanabe, Kunihiko Mabuchi and Susumu Tachi and Shin'ya Nishida: Neural representation of motion signal after direction remapping in touch: Evidence from motion aftereffect, Neuroscience 2010, SanDiego, USA (2010.11)
Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: 3D Haptic Modeling System using Ungrounded Pen-shaped Kinesthetic Display, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, pp.217-218 Singapore (2011. 3)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Vision-based Cutaneous Sensor to Measure Both Tactile and Thermal Information for Telexistence, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.119-122 (2011. 3)
Keisuke Takeshita, Kouichi Watanabe, Takumi Yoshida, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: Transmission of Existence by Retro reflective Projection Technology Using Handheld Projector, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.71-74 (2011. 3)
Kouichi Watanabe and Susumu Tachi: Verification of out of body sensations, attribution and localization by interaction with oneself, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.111- 118 (2011. 3)
Takumi Yoshida, Keitaro Shimizu, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii and Susumu Tachi: RePro3D: Full-parallax 3D Display with Haptic Feedback using Retro-reflective Projection Technology, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.49-54 (2011. 3)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Finger-shaped Thermal Sensor using Thermo-sensitive Paint and Camera for Telexistence, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), Shanghai, China, pp.1120-1125 (2011. 5)
Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: An Ungrounded Pen-shaped kinesthetic Display: Device Construction and Applications, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey (2011. 6)
Yuki Imamura, Hironori Arakawa, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics 2011, Demos, Istanbul, Turkey (2011. 6)
Yuki Imamura, Hironori Arakawa, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail, ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, Vancouver, Canada (2011. 8)
Susumu Tachi, Kouichi Watanabe, Keisuke Takeshita, Kouta Minamizawa, Takumi Yoshida and Katsunari Sato: Mutual Telexistence Surrogate system: TELESAR4 -telexistence in real environments using autostereoscopic immersive display -, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.157-162, San Francisco, USA (2011. 9)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Design and Implementation of Transmission System of Initial Haptic Impression, SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.161-621 (2011.9)
Kouta Minamizawa, Keitaro Shimizu, Masahiko Inami, Naohisa Ohta, Susumu Tachi, Shigeto Yoshida, Nariaki Yamaguchi and Shigeki Imai: Adaptive Parallax Autostereoscopic LED Display, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
Masahiro Furukawa, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Susumu Tachi: KUSUGURI: Visual Tactile Integration for Tickling, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
Kouta Minamizawa, Masashi Nakatani, Yasuaki Kakehi, Soichiro Mihara and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE toolkit, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, Hands-on-demos, Vancouver, Canada (2012.3)
[Best Demo Award]
Masahiro Furukawa, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Susumu Tachi: KUSUGURI: a shared tactile interface for bidirectional tickling, Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, pp.9:1--9:8, Megeve, France (2012.3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Yasuaki Kakehi, Masashi Nakatani, Soichiro Mihara and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE toolkit - A prototyping tool for design and education of haptic media, in Proc. Laval Virtual VRIC 2012, Laval, France (2012.3)
[ PRIX Emerging Technologies]
Yuta Takeuchi, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Duplicator, in Proc. Laval Virtual VRIC 2012, Laval, France (2012.3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Yasuaki Kakehi, Masashi Nakatani, Soichiro Mihara, and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE Toolkit, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Kyo Hirota, Sho Kamuro, Katsunari Sato, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: TELESAR V: TELExistence Surrogate Anthropomorphic Robot, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Sho Kamuro, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Editor, ACM SIGGAPH 2012, Posters, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Yuta Takeuchi, Hirotaka Katakura, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: TouchCast :An On-line Platform for Creation and Sharing of Tactile Content Based on Tactile Copy & Paste, ACM UIST 2012, Demonstrations, Boston, CA, USA (2012.10)
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Sho Kamuro, Katsunari Sato, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Design of TELESAR V for Transferring Bodily Consciousness in Telexistence, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp.5112-5118, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (2012.10)
[ICROS Best Application Paper Award Finalist]
[Best Student Paper Award Finalist]
Susumu Tachi, Kouta Minamizawa, Masahiko Furukawa, and Charith Lasantha Fernando:Telexistence - from 1980 to 2012, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp.5440-5441, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (2012.10)
Sho Kamuro, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Editor, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: Virtual Telesar - Designing and Implementation of a Modular Based Immersive Virtual Telexistence Platform, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposiumu on System Integration(SII2012), pp.595-598, Fukuoka, Japan (2012.12)
Sho Kamuro, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Haptic Editor, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D1-33 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Yuta Takeuchi, Hirotaka Katakura, Yusuke Mizushina, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minam- izawa, and Susumu Tachi : Tactile Search Engine for Online Platform, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D1-38 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Yuta Ueda, Yusuke Mizusina, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Polymer-clay Haptic Display to Present Spacial Vibro-Tactile Sensation, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D2-32 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Tadatoshi Kurogi, Masano Nakayama, Katsunari Sato, Sho Kamuro, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi:Haptic Transmission System to Recognize Differences in Surface Textures of Objects for Telexistence, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2013, PO-042, Orlando, Florida, pp.137-138 (2013.3)
[Best Poster Award]
Kevin Fan, Hideyuki Izumi, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei
Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, Naotaka Fujii and Susumu Tachi: Reality
Jockey: Lifting the Barrier between Alternate Realities through Audio
and Haptic Feedback, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'13), pp.2557-2566 , Paris, France (2013.4)
Yuta Ueda, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Yusuke Mizushina, Mina Shibasaki, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii, and Susumu Tachi: HaptoMIRAGE: a multi-user autostereoscopic visio-haptic display, ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, Anaheim, CA, USA (2013.7)
Susumu Tachi: From 3D to VR and further to Telexistence, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.1-10 (2013.12)
Susumu Tachi, Kouta Minamizawa, Masahiro Furukawa and Charith L. Fernando: Haptic Media: Construction and Utilization of Human-harmonized "Tangible" Information Environment, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.145-150 (2013.12)
C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, S. Tachi, Experiencing
ones own Hand in Telexistence Manipulation with a 15 DOF
Anthropomorphic Robot Hand and a Flexible Master Glove, Proceedings of
the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.20-27 (2013.12)
[Honorable Mention]
M. Y. Saraiji, C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, S. Tachi,
Realtime Egocentric Superimposition of Operator's Own Body on
Telexistence Avatar in Virtual Environment, Proceedings of the 23rd
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
(ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.35-39 (2013.12)
Y. Ueda, K. Iwazaki, M. Shibasaki, Y. Mizushina, M. Furukawa, H. Nii, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, HaptoMIRAGE: Mid-Air Autostereoscopic Display for Seamless Interaction With a Mixed-Reality Environment, In ACM SIGGRAPH
2014 Emerging Technologies, p. 10 (2014.8)
Y. Ueda, K. Iwazaki, M. Shibasaki, Y. Mizushina, M. Furukawa, H. Nii, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, HaptoMIRAGE: Mid-Air Autostereoscopic Display for Seamless Interaction With a Mixed-Reality Environment, In ACM SIGGRAPH
2014 Posters, p. 30 (2014.8)
M. Y. Saraiji, Y. Mizushina, C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, Y. Kamiyama, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, Enforced TELExistence, In ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters, p. 49 (2014.8)
M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, Voluntary Self-tapping Induces Self-localization Shift, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp.1075-1082 (2014.8)
Kevin Fan, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, and Naotaka Fujii:Ubiquitous substitutional reality: re-experiencing the past in immersion, In ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters, pp.55 (2014.8)
Hirokazu Tanaka, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Tangment, AsiaHaptics2014, C-21L, Tsukuba, Japan (2014.11) [demonstration]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : HapticSearchEngine, AsiaHaptics2014, A-23L, Tsukuba, Japan (2014.11) [demonstration]
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Yusuke Mizushina, Youichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Enforced telexistence: teleoperating using photorealistic virtual body and haptic feedback. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Emerging Technologies (SA '14), Shenzhen, Article 7 (2014.12)
Takura Yanagi, Charith Lasantha Fernando, MHD Yamen Saraij, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi, Norimasa Kishi, "Transparent Cockpit using Telexistence”, Virtual Reality (VR), 2014 iEEE, pp.311-312, Arles, France (2015.3)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Mutual hand representation for telexistence robots using projected virtual hands. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.221-222 (2015.3) [demonstration]
[Best Demo Award]
Haruki Nakamura, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, and Kouta Minamizawa : A(touch)ment: a smartphone extension for instantly sharing visual and tactile experience. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.223-224 (2015.3) [demonstration]
Yusuke Mizushina, Wataru Fujiwara, Tomoaki Sudou, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Interactive instant replay: sharing sports experience using 360-degrees spherical images and haptic sensation based on the coupled body motion. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.227-228 (2015.3) [demonstration]
Hirohiko Hayakawa, Charith Lasantha Fernando, MHD Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Telexistence drone: design of a flight telexistence system for immersive aerial sports experience. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.171-172 (2015.3) [poster]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Vibro-tactile recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: To search for haptic contents using vibro-tactile waves, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015 (WHC '15), EVANSTON IL (2015.6) [demonstration]
Hirokazu Tanaka, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Tangment, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015 (WHC '15), EVANSTON IL (2015.6) [demonstration]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kanata Nakamura, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters (SIGGRAPH '15) , Article 40, pp.1, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2015.8)
Heng Gu, Kai Kunze, Masashi Takatani, and Kouta Minamizawa: Towards performance feedback through tactile displays to improve learning archery. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC'15 Adjunct), pp.141-144, Osaka, Japan(2015.9)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Development of Mutual Telexistence System using Virtual Projection of Operator’s Egocentric Body Images, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence 2015 (ICAT '15) , pp.--, Kyoto, Japan (2015.10)
[Honorable Mention]
[Best Demo Award]
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Effectiveness of Spatial Coherent Remote Drive Experience with a Telexistence Backhoe for Construction Sites, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT '15), pp: , Kyoto, Japan (2015.10)
Kouta Minamizawa: Designing haptic media technologies for embodied creation. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Haptic Media And Contents Design (SA ’15), Article 1 , pp.1, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Haruki Nakamura, Masashi Nakatani, and Kouta Minamizawa. 2015. Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Emerging Technologies (SA '15), Article 26, pp.2, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Marie-Stephanie Iekura, Hirohiko Hayakawa, Keisuke Onoda, Yoichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa, and Masahiko Inami: SMASH: synchronization media of athletes and spectator through haptic. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (SA ’15), Article 20 , pp.2, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Haruki Nakamura, Masashi Nakatani, and Kouta Minamizawa. Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (SA '15), Article 10, pp.3, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Suranga Nanayakkara, Vikum Wijesinghe, and Kouta Minamizawa: KineticCanvas: Synergetic Effort Between Art and Technology. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction (OzCHI '15), Article 1, pp.575-578, Melbourne, Australia(2015.12)
Yuta Ueda, Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: HaptoMIRAGE: An Active-Shuttered Real Imaged Auto-Stereoscopic Display , The 22nd International Display Workshops (IDW ’15), pp.—, Shia, Japan(2015.12)
Takumi Yoshida, Yuki Hirobe, Hideaki Nii, Naoki Kawakami and Susumu Tachi: Twinkle: Interacting with Physical Surfaces Using Handheld Projector, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2010, pp.87-90, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Design of Electrotactile Stimulation to Represnt Distribution of Force Vectors, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2010, pp.121-128, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Domenico Prattichizzo and Susumu Tachi: Simplified Design of Haptic Display by Extending One-point Kinesthetic Feedback to Multipoint Tactile Feedback, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium 2010, pp.257-260, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA (2010. 3)
Dzmitry Tsetserukou, katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Virtual Reality, Augmented Sport and Rehabilitation, Proceedings of ACM Augmented Human Conference, Megeve, France (2010. 4)
[Best Paper Award]
Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: FlexTorque: Exoskeleton Interface for Haptic Interaction with the Digital World, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010, pp.166-171, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010.7)
Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: Evaluation of Transmission System for Spatially Distributed Tactile information, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2010, pp.279-284, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2010.7)
Takumi Yoshida, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii and Susumu Tachi: RePro3D: Full-parallax 3D Display using Retro-reflective Projection Technology, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2010. 7)
Yuki Hirobe, Takumi Yoshida, Shinobu Kuroki, Kouta Minamizawa, Katsunari Sato and Susumu Tachi: colorful Touch palette, ACM SIGGRAPH 2010, Emerging Technologies, LosAngeles, CA, USA (2010. 7)
Shinob Kuroki, Junji Watanabe, Kunihiko Mabuchi and Susumu Tachi and Shin'ya Nishida: Neural representation of motion signal after direction remapping in touch: Evidence from motion aftereffect, Neuroscience 2010, SanDiego, USA (2010.11)
Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: 3D Haptic Modeling System using Ungrounded Pen-shaped Kinesthetic Display, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, pp.217-218 Singapore (2011. 3)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Vision-based Cutaneous Sensor to Measure Both Tactile and Thermal Information for Telexistence, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.119-122 (2011. 3)
Keisuke Takeshita, Kouichi Watanabe, Takumi Yoshida, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: Transmission of Existence by Retro reflective Projection Technology Using Handheld Projector, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.71-74 (2011. 3)
Kouichi Watanabe and Susumu Tachi: Verification of out of body sensations, attribution and localization by interaction with oneself, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.111- 118 (2011. 3)
Takumi Yoshida, Keitaro Shimizu, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii and Susumu Tachi: RePro3D: Full-parallax 3D Display with Haptic Feedback using Retro-reflective Projection Technology, Proceedings of International Symposium on Virtual Reality Innovations (ISVRI 2011), Singapore, pp.49-54 (2011. 3)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Finger-shaped Thermal Sensor using Thermo-sensitive Paint and Camera for Telexistence, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011), Shanghai, China, pp.1120-1125 (2011. 5)
Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: An Ungrounded Pen-shaped kinesthetic Display: Device Construction and Applications, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey (2011. 6)
Yuki Imamura, Hironori Arakawa, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics 2011, Demos, Istanbul, Turkey (2011. 6)
Yuki Imamura, Hironori Arakawa, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: HAPMAP: Haptic Walking Navigation System with Support by the Sense of Handrail, ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Emerging Technologies, Vancouver, Canada (2011. 8)
Susumu Tachi, Kouichi Watanabe, Keisuke Takeshita, Kouta Minamizawa, Takumi Yoshida and Katsunari Sato: Mutual Telexistence Surrogate system: TELESAR4 -telexistence in real environments using autostereoscopic immersive display -, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.157-162, San Francisco, USA (2011. 9)
Katsunari Sato, Hiroyuki Shinoda and Susumu Tachi: Design and Implementation of Transmission System of Initial Haptic Impression, SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.161-621 (2011.9)
Kouta Minamizawa, Keitaro Shimizu, Masahiko Inami, Naohisa Ohta, Susumu Tachi, Shigeto Yoshida, Nariaki Yamaguchi and Shigeki Imai: Adaptive Parallax Autostereoscopic LED Display, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
Masahiro Furukawa, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Susumu Tachi: KUSUGURI: Visual Tactile Integration for Tickling, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
Kouta Minamizawa, Masashi Nakatani, Yasuaki Kakehi, Soichiro Mihara and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE toolkit, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012, Hands-on-demos, Vancouver, Canada (2012.3)
[Best Demo Award]
Masahiro Furukawa, Hiroyuki Kajimoto and Susumu Tachi: KUSUGURI: a shared tactile interface for bidirectional tickling, Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, pp.9:1--9:8, Megeve, France (2012.3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Yasuaki Kakehi, Masashi Nakatani, Soichiro Mihara and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE toolkit - A prototyping tool for design and education of haptic media, in Proc. Laval Virtual VRIC 2012, Laval, France (2012.3)
[ PRIX Emerging Technologies]
Yuta Takeuchi, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Duplicator, in Proc. Laval Virtual VRIC 2012, Laval, France (2012.3)
Kouta Minamizawa, Yasuaki Kakehi, Masashi Nakatani, Soichiro Mihara, and Susumu Tachi: TECHTILE Toolkit, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Kyo Hirota, Sho Kamuro, Katsunari Sato, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: TELESAR V: TELExistence Surrogate Anthropomorphic Robot, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012, Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Sho Kamuro, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Editor, ACM SIGGAPH 2012, Posters, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2012.8)
Yuta Takeuchi, Hirotaka Katakura, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: TouchCast :An On-line Platform for Creation and Sharing of Tactile Content Based on Tactile Copy & Paste, ACM UIST 2012, Demonstrations, Boston, CA, USA (2012.10)
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Tadatoshi Kurogi, Sho Kamuro, Katsunari Sato, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Design of TELESAR V for Transferring Bodily Consciousness in Telexistence, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp.5112-5118, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (2012.10)
[ICROS Best Application Paper Award Finalist]
[Best Student Paper Award Finalist]
Susumu Tachi, Kouta Minamizawa, Masahiko Furukawa, and Charith Lasantha Fernando:Telexistence - from 1980 to 2012, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp.5440-5441, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (2012.10)
Sho Kamuro, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Haptic Editor, ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012 Emerging Technologies, Hong Kong (2011. 12)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Kouta Minamizawa and Susumu Tachi: Virtual Telesar - Designing and Implementation of a Modular Based Immersive Virtual Telexistence Platform, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposiumu on System Integration(SII2012), pp.595-598, Fukuoka, Japan (2012.12)
Sho Kamuro, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Yuta Takeuchi, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Haptic Editor, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D1-33 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Yuta Takeuchi, Hirotaka Katakura, Yusuke Mizushina, Sho Kamuro, Kouta Minam- izawa, and Susumu Tachi : Tactile Search Engine for Online Platform, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D1-38 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Yuta Ueda, Yusuke Mizusina, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Polymer-clay Haptic Display to Present Spacial Vibro-Tactile Sensation, in Proceedins of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2013, Daejeon, Korea, D2-32 (2013.3) [demonstation]
Tadatoshi Kurogi, Masano Nakayama, Katsunari Sato, Sho Kamuro, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Masahiro Furukawa, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi:Haptic Transmission System to Recognize Differences in Surface Textures of Objects for Telexistence, Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2013, PO-042, Orlando, Florida, pp.137-138 (2013.3)
[Best Poster Award]
Kevin Fan, Hideyuki Izumi, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei
Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, Naotaka Fujii and Susumu Tachi: Reality
Jockey: Lifting the Barrier between Alternate Realities through Audio
and Haptic Feedback, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'13), pp.2557-2566 , Paris, France (2013.4)
Yuta Ueda, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Yusuke Mizushina, Mina Shibasaki, Kouta Minamizawa, Hideaki Nii, and Susumu Tachi: HaptoMIRAGE: a multi-user autostereoscopic visio-haptic display, ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, Anaheim, CA, USA (2013.7)
Susumu Tachi: From 3D to VR and further to Telexistence, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.1-10 (2013.12)
Susumu Tachi, Kouta Minamizawa, Masahiro Furukawa and Charith L. Fernando: Haptic Media: Construction and Utilization of Human-harmonized "Tangible" Information Environment, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.145-150 (2013.12)
C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, S. Tachi, Experiencing
ones own Hand in Telexistence Manipulation with a 15 DOF
Anthropomorphic Robot Hand and a Flexible Master Glove, Proceedings of
the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and
Telexistence (ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.20-27 (2013.12)
[Honorable Mention]
M. Y. Saraiji, C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, S. Tachi,
Realtime Egocentric Superimposition of Operator's Own Body on
Telexistence Avatar in Virtual Environment, Proceedings of the 23rd
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
(ICAT), Tokyo, Japan, pp.35-39 (2013.12)
Y. Ueda, K. Iwazaki, M. Shibasaki, Y. Mizushina, M. Furukawa, H. Nii, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, HaptoMIRAGE: Mid-Air Autostereoscopic Display for Seamless Interaction With a Mixed-Reality Environment, In ACM SIGGRAPH
2014 Emerging Technologies, p. 10 (2014.8)
Y. Ueda, K. Iwazaki, M. Shibasaki, Y. Mizushina, M. Furukawa, H. Nii, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, HaptoMIRAGE: Mid-Air Autostereoscopic Display for Seamless Interaction With a Mixed-Reality Environment, In ACM SIGGRAPH
2014 Posters, p. 30 (2014.8)
M. Y. Saraiji, Y. Mizushina, C. L. Fernando, M. Furukawa, Y. Kamiyama, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, Enforced TELExistence, In ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters, p. 49 (2014.8)
M. Furukawa, K. Minamizawa, and S. Tachi, Voluntary Self-tapping Induces Self-localization Shift, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, pp.1075-1082 (2014.8)
Kevin Fan, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, and Naotaka Fujii:Ubiquitous substitutional reality: re-experiencing the past in immersion, In ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters, pp.55 (2014.8)
Hirokazu Tanaka, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Tangment, AsiaHaptics2014, C-21L, Tsukuba, Japan (2014.11) [demonstration]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : HapticSearchEngine, AsiaHaptics2014, A-23L, Tsukuba, Japan (2014.11) [demonstration]
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Yusuke Mizushina, Youichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Enforced telexistence: teleoperating using photorealistic virtual body and haptic feedback. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Emerging Technologies (SA '14), Shenzhen, Article 7 (2014.12)
Takura Yanagi, Charith Lasantha Fernando, MHD Yamen Saraij, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi, Norimasa Kishi, "Transparent Cockpit using Telexistence”, Virtual Reality (VR), 2014 iEEE, pp.311-312, Arles, France (2015.3)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Mutual hand representation for telexistence robots using projected virtual hands. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.221-222 (2015.3) [demonstration]
[Best Demo Award]
Haruki Nakamura, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, and Kouta Minamizawa : A(touch)ment: a smartphone extension for instantly sharing visual and tactile experience. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.223-224 (2015.3) [demonstration]
Yusuke Mizushina, Wataru Fujiwara, Tomoaki Sudou, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Interactive instant replay: sharing sports experience using 360-degrees spherical images and haptic sensation based on the coupled body motion. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.227-228 (2015.3) [demonstration]
Hirohiko Hayakawa, Charith Lasantha Fernando, MHD Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi : Telexistence drone: design of a flight telexistence system for immersive aerial sports experience. In Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '15), Singapore, pp.171-172 (2015.3) [poster]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Vibro-tactile recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: To search for haptic contents using vibro-tactile waves, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015 (WHC '15), EVANSTON IL (2015.6) [demonstration]
Hirokazu Tanaka, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Tangment, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference 2015 (WHC '15), EVANSTON IL (2015.6) [demonstration]
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Kanata Nakamura, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, and Susumu Tachi: Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters (SIGGRAPH '15) , Article 40, pp.1, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2015.8)
Heng Gu, Kai Kunze, Masashi Takatani, and Kouta Minamizawa: Towards performance feedback through tactile displays to improve learning archery. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC'15 Adjunct), pp.141-144, Osaka, Japan(2015.9)
MHD Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Development of Mutual Telexistence System using Virtual Projection of Operator’s Egocentric Body Images, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence 2015 (ICAT '15) , pp.--, Kyoto, Japan (2015.10)
[Honorable Mention]
[Best Demo Award]
Charith Lasantha Fernando, Mhd Yamen Saraiji, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: Effectiveness of Spatial Coherent Remote Drive Experience with a Telexistence Backhoe for Construction Sites, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT '15), pp: , Kyoto, Japan (2015.10)
Kouta Minamizawa: Designing haptic media technologies for embodied creation. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Haptic Media And Contents Design (SA ’15), Article 1 , pp.1, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Haruki Nakamura, Masashi Nakatani, and Kouta Minamizawa. 2015. Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Emerging Technologies (SA '15), Article 26, pp.2, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Marie-Stephanie Iekura, Hirohiko Hayakawa, Keisuke Onoda, Yoichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa, and Masahiko Inami: SMASH: synchronization media of athletes and spectator through haptic. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (SA ’15), Article 20 , pp.2, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Haruki Nakamura, Masashi Nakatani, and Kouta Minamizawa. Twech: a mobile platform to search and share visuo-tactile experiences. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications (SA '15), Article 10, pp.3, Kobe, Japan(2015.11)
Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Suranga Nanayakkara, Vikum Wijesinghe, and Kouta Minamizawa: KineticCanvas: Synergetic Effort Between Art and Technology. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction (OzCHI '15), Article 1, pp.575-578, Melbourne, Australia(2015.12)
Yuta Ueda, Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Susumu Tachi: HaptoMIRAGE: An Active-Shuttered Real Imaged Auto-Stereoscopic Display , The 22nd International Display Workshops (IDW ’15), pp.—, Shia, Japan(2015.12)
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